Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday’s Letters

Well, I’ve decided that instead of doing a gripes and gratitudes post I am going to start doing a “Friday’s Letters” post instead.  It will be basically the same thing but in letter form.  So, without further adieu here is this weeks rendition of “Friday Letters”…

First, let’s just post a random picture.  This is from our trip to Belize the week before Christmas.  I absolutely ADORE that place and I’m sure this won’t be the last time we visit there.  It is just heavenly!  So, Dear Belize, I adore you!  Stay beautiful and I promise to visit again.


Dear Sweet Sweet Sidney, you make everyday a more wonderful day than the day before.  I love you more than I could ever say!


Dear Family, thank you so much for a great Christmas!  I am so blessed to have all of you in my life!


Dear Harley Shop, I am so mad at you!  I wish I could say I am sorry for peeling out of your parking lot yesterday but I’m not!  So there!  I am stuck with a ring I can not wear because my husband actually bought my gifts early this year so it was over 30 days ago and now you won’t let me exchange it.  I hope you know, I’ll never ask for something from you again!

Dear Weather, why are you hating on me so much?  Everyone got snow at Christmas and we didn’t even get a single flake at my house.  Now it is snowing beautifully just SOUTH of us but we aren’t getting any?  Why?  What did I do so wrong as to not earn any snow this year?

Dear Body, why are you giving out on me?  I know I’m 51 now but do you have to remind me every day?  Can’t you just pretend I’m 30 again?  Come on! 

The end!

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