We bought the new table a few weeks ago and it arrived last week. Well, after being off for almost a full week to go to Chicago with my hubs, I just couldn't take any more time off so I had my mom and dad come and sit at my house when they delivered the furniture. My mom left me a voice mail saying, "I didn't realize you got 2 chairs that were different than the rest." I said "HUH?" So, when I got home I saw exactly what she meant and OMG...I definitely DID NOT buy 2 chairs different from the rest. But, apparently that is exactly what I got. When we purchased the furniture we decided to get a total of 8 chairs for it. 6 regular side chairs and 2 captain chairs (meaning they have arms is the only difference.) Well, apparently the sales lady entered the wrong number for the additional 2 side chairs and we got 2 of the side chairs different from all of the rest. The chairs I ordered have padded seats but wooden backs. I got 4 of them and 2 that had padded seats AND padded backs. They are definitely not what I ordered. Now why my mom ever thought that I would have purposely done that is beyond me. I really wish she would have called me right then and there and told me it was wrong. Oh well, no fear...they are fixing it. They have ordered the right 2 chairs and when they arrive they will come out, pick up the wrong ones, deliver the right ones...oh yeah, and replace the table top too.
Yep, the table top was damaged as well. It has this ding on the top of the table and it goes all the way through the finish and into the white wood underneath. It's actually pretty noticable. I understand why my parents didn't notice it though. When I got home there were quite a few little white pieces of styrofoam on the table from the packing I guess. However, as I brushed them all off the table, all of them came off...except this one. It wasn't going anywhere because it wasn't a piece of white stryofoam, it was a ding. I'm so happy though. Even though my mom signed off on the furniture saying it was fine, they are still going to replace the table top. Whew! Crisis diverted. Message I learned from this: Never send my mom and dad to accept furniture for me. Either me or my hubs needs to be there so we can inspect it and make sure it is what we ordered.
So, while I wait for the new table top and the right chairs, I just couldn't stand it. I wanted to put out my new Spring decor. So, here is what I did:
Almost everything you see I bought at TJ Maxx. I got the table runner for $6.99. The bird cage was a slight extravagance but I really love them and I think I will use this for every season, just changing out what I put in it and where it goes in the house...but it was $24.99 (still not bad for that big of a statement item).
The birds were $7.99 each.
The eggs were in a package for $3.99 for 12 of them. I only used 3 of them here. Now the bird nest I actually made. I used to have this really cute little bird nest with 3 little robin blue eggs in it but for the life of me I can not remember what I did with it or where it is. So, after looking unsuccessfully for awhile I finally just decided to make one.
I took these green silk "thing-a-bops" that I bought to use in arrangements at my daughters wedding and just started wrapping them in a circle and just kept going, forming a nest out of them. It took some patience and trial and error, but I love how it turned out.
So, there is my Spring table. However, I'm not quite totally happy with it. It needs something???? What should I add? All comments and suggestions to this post would be most greatly appreciated. (that means you!)
Nice table decorations, nice table.
Maybe a couple of pussy willows
what a beautiful new set!! love the table/chairs! wow!
have you tried a bigger branch type thing inside the cage with little blossoms on it and the nest higher up? maybe just a couple of small floral arrangements further down the runner..... it's a beautiful arrangement, keep switching it around and you'll find what you like best! :)
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